Lawn Care and Landscaping

A lush green lawn can increase property value, improve curb appeal, and make a great first impression on guests. Proper lawn care includes regularly mowing, weed control, aerating trampled areas, and spreading grass seed in bare spots.

Use a soil test to understand your lawn’s needs and improve its health. Apply soil amendments and liming per lab recommendations to encourage proper growth. Contact Lawn Care Concord now!

When a lawn is too thick, it blocks water and essential nutrients from reaching the soil. This is often the result of too much organic matter, such as dead grass clippings and leaves, which can suffocate grass and promote weed growth. Fortunately, a lawn dethatching service is a quick and easy solution to help improve the health of your turf.

Lawn dethatching, also known as power raking, involves forcefully removing the thatch layer with a mechanical lawn dethatcher. This tool has curved metal blades that slice into the thatch and pull it up. Dethatching is generally needed every few years, but it may be required more frequently for some lawns based on location and the amount of thatch buildup.

Aim for a thatch layer no more than a half-inch thick. If you’re unsure whether your lawn has too much thatch, dig up a small wedge of grass and soil to see how thick it is. If it’s over a half inch, it’s time to dethatch your lawn.

During core aeration, the holes that are left behind act as natural topdressing and return valuable nutrients to the roots of your lawn. To get the most out of your aeration, overseed your lawn right after it’s done and fertilize with slow-release lawn fertilizer.

If you find aerating and dethatching difficult, consider calling a local lawn care professional for expert advice and reliable equipment rentals. They’ll take the hassle out of your lawn maintenance so you can spend more time enjoying it!


Irrigation is an important element of lawn care that keeps your landscaping hydrated and promotes proper grass growth. The best irrigation service companies can install and maintain sprinkler systems that are designed to provide the correct amount of water to each individual plant, shrub or tree on your lot.

Irrigating your landscape properly also helps prevent weed growth and conserves water. Keeping your property properly mulched can also help keep weeds and unwanted plants from growing in your flower beds and other planting areas. Professional lawn maintenance services can also help identify and remove poison oak, a highly irritating plant that grows in the Southeast. Swift removal of this plant prevents people and pets from getting toxic contact that can lead to health problems, including skin rashes and vomiting.

Regular lawn care services include fertilization, mowing and disease management. They can also include aeration, overseeding, trimming, clearing trees and shrubs and installing landscape lighting for increased curb appeal.

Lawn care services can also include insect control, if needed. Having a dense, healthy lawn discourages harmful insects and provides a natural barrier against them. When necessary, many companies will apply insecticides to their customers’ yards at times when bug infestations are most likely to occur.

Another benefit of having one company handle your lawn care and irrigation is that there are more eyes on your yard. When technicians from one company visit your property, they can communicate with each other about any issues that they notice. For example, if a lawn treatment expert sees that your irrigation system is not working properly, they can alert an irrigation technician to come and fix the problem before it causes more damage.


Lawn fertilization is an important part of lawn care that replenishes the nutrients turf grass requires to thrive. Fertilizers are categorized as liquid or granular, and can be timed to occur in the spring, summer, fall, or winter. Liquid fertilizers provide a quick burst of energy for grass to begin its growing season, while granular fertilizer provides slow-release delivery of nutrients throughout the lawn over a period of weeks.

Proper lawn fertilization involves spreading the fertilizer evenly with a spreader or hand-held sprayer. Then, the grass must be watered in to ensure that it absorbs the fertilizer and isn’t burned by the sun. This final step also helps wash away any excess fertilizer that has landed on hard surfaces like sidewalks or driveways, which can stain these areas. Before mowing, it is best to wait a day or two to allow the nutrient absorption to complete. This allows the mowing to produce an even and aesthetically pleasing cut.

Many professional lawn care services include weed control and other outdoor pest management, in addition to fertilization. However, lawn care treatments that rely solely on chemical products may not be as effective for home-owners as those that use a combination of organic and non-chemical methods to improve the health of turf grass and soil.

When determining the right time to fertilize your lawn, observe how the grass grows and consider your climate. For example, cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and fine fescue do well when they are fertilized in the late spring or early summer to stimulate growth. But, if you live in a region that experiences hot summer weather, it is a better idea to fertilize in the fall when the grass is preparing for winter dormancy.

Lawn Mowing

Mowing is an essential part of lawn care and helps to keep grass healthy. Regular mowing also helps to promote denser turf. It’s important to choose the right mower for each type of grass and cut at the appropriate frequency. Keeping up with seasonal changes in weather patterns helps, too. Attempting to cut too often or too short will kill grass and can expose the root to fungal infections like red thread fungus.

For lawn services that rely on mowing as their main source of revenue, cross-selling additional mowing and trimming services can help to expand their customer base. For example, adding an edger (or a string trimmer or weed eater) to the mix will allow you to trim ragged edges on fence lines, gardens and lawn ornaments. Another option is to offer leaf blowing and debris cleanup, which will keep the mowing area neat and tidy and reduce the risk of disease and insect infestation.

Providing recurring revenues in the form of fertilization and aeration is another way for lawn care businesses to grow their bottom line. Fertilization strengthens grass, helps it to grow faster and be more resistant to diseases. Aeration makes tiny holes in the ground, loosening soil so that water and nutrients can reach deeper roots.

Many local lawn service providers also offer yard cleanup services, which involves removing debris from outdoor spaces after a storm or regularly. This is especially important for those operating in geographic areas that experience all four seasons and may include snow removal, either shoveling or plowing. Some firms also offer landscape services, transforming outdoor spaces by installing hardscape elements (like walkways and patios), plants and trees, as well as decorative garden features like fire pits, waterfalls and pool areas.


Landscaping is making an outdoor space beautiful, which includes mowing, trimming, and edge maintenance. It can also include weed control, mulching, and tree and shrub care. Landscaping is what makes a property look its best, and it also sends a message about the business or home.

Landscaping services can be done as a one-time project, or they can be part of a lawn care program. Lawn care programs can include aeration, overseeding, weed control, and fertilization. The services can be done on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly basis depending on the needs of the lawn and property.

A clean, well-maintained landscape is not just good for curb appeal; it’s good for the environment as well. Healthy trees, shrubs, and grasses help reduce soil erosion and runoff, and they can also increase air quality by removing pollutants like dust and smoke particles and carbon dioxide.

Proper landscaping techniques can also improve a property’s water and energy efficiency by reducing the need for irrigation. A well-designed landscape can increase the amount of time people spend outdoors, which helps improve mental health by promoting relaxation and lowering stress levels.

There are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs in the landscaping and lawn care industry, thanks to increasing demand paired with low market share concentration. Many homeowners and businesses have realized the benefits of hiring a professional lawn care service, and the demand is expected to grow even further. Landscaping and lawn care companies are looking for talented people to work with clients, provide recommendations, and implement landscape improvements. If you love working with plants and helping people feel more relaxed, this may be the perfect industry for you.